Monday, August 22
Day 15: O Solo Mio
This one goes by rumor as well. Rob alone in the studio. Well, not completely alone 'couse Micke was there to assist as usual. Anyhow, the story goes that Micke was standing outside on the porch, wearing his favorite Swedish wooden clogs. Contemplating on the uneveness of the laid stones of the garden path, he discovered that by wiggeling his big toe to and fro in a certain fashion he could produce a distinct sound pair, one low tuned and one with a sligtly higher pitch. Clic-clok-clic-cloc-clic-cloc from the rocking clog. Rob was inside in the mixing room fine tuning the Stratocaster, and heard Micke cry out. "Hey Robert, what song does this sound like?" followed by some more clic-clok-clic-cloc-clic-cloc.

Robert smiles and answers without batting on an eye: "Time"
Well, there you go! And for us - two more songs down from the guitar guru. After completing more elaborate solos on the remaining four tracks and we're down to our last item on the recording roster: Vocals. More to come, alas
Signing off
Keyboard Al

Robert smiles and answers without batting on an eye: "Time"
Well, there you go! And for us - two more songs down from the guitar guru. After completing more elaborate solos on the remaining four tracks and we're down to our last item on the recording roster: Vocals. More to come, alas
Signing off
Keyboard Al